Jenever took its name from the French word «genievre» which closely resembled the name of a famous city in Switzerland. Later he called Water of Genoa, which is still used in some bottles imported from Holland. Subsequently, the transition from Genoa to Jenever was made.
Jenever was originated by a Dutch scientist, Professor Sylvius, more than 300 years ago. Shortly afterwards it became so popular in England that the British were quick to manufacture it at home. Currently, the Dutch gin called Jenever Dutch and English is known Jenever London.
Jenever is obtained by distillation or mixing. The first is done by placing pure grain liquor and pure distilled water in the distiller. This is equipped with a «head berry», ie with a cylindrical tray on top of the distiller, whose tray herbs, roots and berries are placed. The type and proportion of these will determine the taste of gin.
Juniper, is of course the most used type of berry.
Vapors grain liquor and water pass through the top tray and retain the scent of its content to condense.
The good gin is usually distilled more than once before bottling. Most current gins have an alcohol content of 45%, although others have only 40%.
The composite gin is made by mixing neutral spirits distilled gin or gin and essences like distilled gin is bottled at not more than 40% alcohol content


Juice of half a lemon.
½ teaspoon sugar
1 line Dutch Fockink Jenever.
Beat well and sieve with a glass.
Add an ice cube and sparkling water.


Dissolve a teaspoon of sugar water.
1 line Fockink Dutch Jenever.
1 cube of ice.
Serve in a glass of tall and fill it with content or effervescent natural mineral water. If not served cold can add a bit of nutmeg.

STRAITS SLING (Six persons)

Put in a blender:
4 lines Fockink Dutch Jenever.
1 line of wine Saarbach.
1 glass of Brandy Felipe II.
The juice of two lemons.
A Campari bitters teaspoon.
Beat well and serve in cups, which are filled with fizzy water.


Juice of ½ lemon.
½ teaspoon sugar.
1 glass of Dutch FOCKLINK Jenever.
Beat well and sieve with a tall glass, adding an ice cube and sparkling water.


¼ juice of lemon.
¼ Dutch FOCKLINK Jenever.
Brandy ½ FELIPE II.
Beat well and sieve with a medium-sized glass, filling it then with fizzy water. Add an ice cube.


Beat well the juice of ½ lemon.
4 dashes of grenadine.
2 ounces of Dutch FOCKLINK Jenever.
And the egg white with ice.
Strain into a cold cocktail glass.


Beat well with ice:
1 teaspoon sugar.
3 dashes of orange flower water.
3 drops of lemon juice.
2 dashes of lime juice.
½ clear egg.
1 ½ ounces of Dutch FOCKLINK Jenever.
3 ounces of milk.
Serve in a chilled glass